Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Camp Hebron

Well, this is a blog that didn’t come out nearly as soon as I had hoped, but here it is!

At the beginning of last week my team along with several others teams (half of training) went to a beautiful campground for some “teambuilding” exercises. We went to Camp Hebron from Monday morning until Tuesday mid-morning. What we did were the standard obstacle and thinking exercises to develop as a team, create conflict, and find leadership and “follower-ship” abilities when the times are appropriate. Although the night was busy, the biggest impact on me was the hike the next morning – I think (we were not permitted to have watches of any kind of time keeping device with us; even clocks in the eating areas and public areas were removed, but it’s pretty easy to identify morning). We were woken up early (well before daylight) and hiked close to an hour to a beautiful place in the mountains called “Table Rock”. I got to do devotions, eat breakfast, and watch the sunrise in its entirety (usually I only catch the tale end). I found a nice, personal spot on the face of the rock. It was just big enough for me to lie back comfortably, but completely secluded. I had to climb up part of the rock to get there and it was a significant drop on all sides, but the risk was worth the reward. I read my Bible and dozed in and out of sleep for about 2 hours (a very refreshing thing). After that and being very cold part of the time, I returned to the fire I had built with a friend earlier and then the group of about 20 of us hiked down the mountain and back to camp.

After processing the overall weekend for a while (we didn’t have to do process the details of every event then because we had been processing and discussing after EVERY event throughout the day and night), we packed up and headed home to HDC. I got back and slept for a lot of the afternoon (we had “recovery time” because we had hardly rested at all the night before – maybe 2 or 3 hours tops).

It’s funny to realize that was a week ago already because time has flown by. I continue to be challenged daily by the speakers and enjoy the fellowship and deep discussions with my colleagues here.

Please pray that I continue to find refreshment as the training is beginning to wear – I’d like to finish strong! And yes, check back soon for another quick update - and some pictures... hopefully!!

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